The Holy Spirit brings the light of truth into our hearts reminding us of God's love shown in Jesus. The Holy Spirit shines a light on our path as
we endeavour to discern God's will for our lives and build our faith community, centred on the loving relationship of the Holy Trinity.
The Fleur-de-Lys, a symbol of the Trinity and found on St Joan of Arc’s banner, reflects her faith, love and trust in God
and her courageous commitment to her path in life.
This window was designed and constructed by Ray Klecko (Ray of Light Studio, Pt Elliot, SA.) and donated to the Parish on the
occasion of the Centenary of St Joan of Arc Church, 2020. We sincerely thank Ray and Meg Klecko for their love and generosity.
It was blessed by Father Vinh-Quang Tran PP on Sunday 5 January, 2020 in the presence of many parishioners.